Blocksale (BOK) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameBlocksale
Start DateTBA
End DateTBA
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Blocksale, known as BOK, is an exclusive presale group specifically made for accredited investors looking to acquire tokens from ITOs in the presale stages where the token value can be ten cents on the dollar compared to the value during the actual ITO offering. The goal of BOK is to set an industry standard in ITO presales by building a large international customer base that will only be investing in highest quality ITOs. BOK’s proprietary AI technology will be developed to analyze all ITOs past, present, and future. The AI will determine what properties define best of class ITOs and create a ranking system to increase the chances for successful investments. By correlating cryptoeconomic and geopolitical data with historical ITOs the AI technology will forecast the potential ROI from each individual offering. Alongside the functionality of AI integration, BOK will also be launching a DApps Network to facilitate the end-to-end process for clients, maximizing end user experience. These different functionalities gather to form a long-term growth platform for ITOs and ITO token adopters.

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Price1 BOK = 2 USD SaleN/A Payment ModeETH, BTC, WIRE
Minimum InvestmentN/A Distribution40% RaisedN/A
Soft CapN/A Hard CapN/A


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