CoTrader (COT) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameCoTrader
Start Datedezembro 01, 2018
End Datedezembro 17, 2018
CountryCayman Islands
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The power of the blockchain is spreading to the masses, giving people control of their assets in a secure and trustless manner. Third parties are no longer required to hold assets nor act as middleman for the transfer of ownership. Blockchain technology allows users to make immediate, peer-to-peer, low-cost transactions.

Exchanges allow users to trade between different cryptocurrencies, and decentralized exchanges that keep users in full control of their assets are growing quickly.

One area where we have yet to see decentralization occur is the world of asset management. Investment funds managed a massive $16 trillion of assets last year in the US alone. As the popularity of cryptocurrencies rises, more and more crypto hedge funds are being created to take advantage of the massive financial opportunities. These funds with dedicated professionals managing the assets can be extremely profitable, but to take advantage of them often requires trusting a third party to honestly report its holdings and not misuse the funds.

CoTrader is building a platform that brings fund management to the blockchain in a decentralized and secure manner. CoTrader keeps users in control of their funds while providing proof of fund performance on chain. Investors are able to co-trade with the best investors giving them the ability to realize huge returns while also benefiting the fund managerwith a success fee for his efforts.

Other attempts to solve the problem of decentralized fund management have failed by adding a large degree centralization to their systems and not providing the liquidity required for traders to effectively manage their funds. CoTrader solves both these problems by integrating with multiple decentralized exchanges including Bancor and Kyber providing fund managers with the full liquidity offered by these platforms.

CoTrader will also introduce private funds that allow fund managers to prove performance on chain while maintaining privacy as to the trades they are making. This will be accomplished using CoTrader’s patent pending algorithms that can operate given any privacy preserving smart contract mechanisms such as zk-SNARKs, ring signatures, bulletproofs, and others.

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Price1 ETH = 500,000 COT Sale20,000,000,000 Payment ModeETH, BTC
Minimum InvestmentN/A Distribution20% RaisedN/A
Soft Cap2,000,000 USD Hard Cap10,000,000 USD


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