Epsilon (EPS) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameEpsilon
Start DateTBA
End DateTBA
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In the modern world there are countless different business lines. People and companies sell different goods and services every day. The essence of business in a nutshell is cheaper to buy and sell at a higher price, if we are talking about goods, and who to provide our services to, if it is necessary to carry out some work. One way or another, it all boils down to the search of an executor by a customer or vice versa - the executor is looking for a market for sale of his goods or services. We have at our disposal an unlimited Internet, in which we can find one or the other product. Some goods are offered to us simply on the street or brought to our work. From the latter, we usually feel that it is something superfluous, like spam in a mailbox. This happens for a simple reason - two partners who can work on mutually beneficial terms, initially do not know about each other. It is difficult to conduct an effective business when every step needs to be considered, analyzed and searched for information.

CEO & Founder
CEO & Co-founder
Employed Brand Manager
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Price1 EPS = 0.00035 ETH SaleN/A Payment ModeETH
Minimum InvestmentN/A Distribution70% RaisedN/A
Soft CapN/A Hard Cap21,000 ETH


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