GOODWORK (OOO) ICO Details & Financial Information

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Start Datesetembro 15, 2018
End Datedezembro 30, 2018
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Our goal is to change the global approach of employers to human labor and its conditions. The environment at work should be mobile and comfortable, and people should not waste their time. Employees should work in good conditions to give their employers excellent results.

Nowadays people spend a lot of time on their way to work and back. Many companies cannot hire the best specialists, because they are willing to work in offices, which only located close to their home or just from home. Many start-ups cannot afford an office with a high-quality infrastructure, that’s why they won’t become corporations. A number of employees have certain requirements for offices: for example, good location and the interior. The major business problem is the lack of expensive company offices for valuable employees in those places, whose location is far from the main company office.

Large corporations have realized long time ago that the main basis of their business is people, that’s why they create incredibly convenient conditions for their employees. Smaller companies still work “in the old-fashioned way".

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Price1 OOO = 0.03 ETH Sale4,050,800 Payment ModeETH
Minimum InvestmentN/A Distribution52% RaisedN/A
Soft Cap3 000 ETH Hard Cap 101500 ETH


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