Raido Financial (RF) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameRaido Financial
Start Datejaneiro 15, 2019
End Datefevereiro 15, 2019
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Raido Financial is a global fintech ecosystem that combines a set of universal crypto tools for trading, exchange, financial and investment operations for all B2B and B2C crypto market players through the single platform. Our mission is to provide all the market stakeholders with the most efficient, comprehensive and secure tools for carrying out all needed crypto activities. Thus, our main goal is to run and improve the ecosystem, whereby any participant of the crypto market can easily obtain and use highly efficient and profitable tools with any experience level in Blockchain or cryptocurrency technologies. 

Analyst of the currency market
Managing trader and analyst of the currency and commodity market
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Price0.2143 USD Sale60,262,500 Payment ModeETH, BTC, LTC, DASH
Minimum Investment50 RF Distribution70% RaisedN/A
Soft Cap7500 ETH Hard Cap52762 ETH


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