STRIM (STR) ICO Details & Financial Information

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Start DateTBA
End DateTBA
Show All and the STRIM network is a decentralized location-based video streaming and sensor mining application. It makes use of the STRIM network in which everyone owning a smartphone, tablet, webcam, camera or any Internet-connected device is a potential live-streamer (supplier) that can offer to provide live video services to anyone who requests a stream from a specific location (demander). As the current trend for real-time data is increasing, alongside the video streaming, the STRIM network will be capable of gathering (mining) raw sensor data from the array of available device sensors in that specific location while the users of the STRIM network receive further compensation for it.

Co-founder, Backend Developer
Co-founder, Frontend Developer
CFO, Co-Founder
[custom-twitter-feeds screenname="StrimNetwork"]
Price1 ETH = 3000 STR SaleN/A Payment ModeETH
Minimum InvestmentN/A DistributionN/A RaisedN/A
Soft Cap5,000,000 USD Hard Cap35,000,000 USD


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