VTradeExchange OÜ (VTRD) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameVTradeExchange OÜ
Start Datefevereiro 18, 2019
End Dateabril 25, 2019
4 year ago

Global markets are evolving and the public is experiencing a gradual transition towards digital currencies. Cryptocurrencies are beginning to emerge as the future of banking and commerce. The formation of collective trading functions is a necessary response to the evident challenges such as inefficiency, lack of security, and regulatory risk. These factors are creating a common set of needs in areas such as liquidity, compliance, and the necessary decentralization of data.

Founder, Corporate Innovation
Founder, Strategic Alliance
VP, Technology
[custom-twitter-feeds screenname="VTRADEExchange"]
Price0.0500 USD Sale275,000,000 Payment ModeBTC, ETC, Fiat
Minimum InvestmentN/A DistributionN/A RaisedN/A
Soft CapN/A Hard CapN/A


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